Que vos parece como propósito de ano novo unha visita a sección de literatura inglesa da nosa biblioteca? Clásicos adaptados agárdanvos para que poidades vivir novas aventuras ao mesmo tempo que mellorades o voso inglés.
Desta vez propóñémosvos o clásico de Robert Louis Stevenson, O extraño caso do Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde (1886).
Stevenson foi un escritor escocés de libros de aventuras tan coñecidos como A illa do tesouro, Frecha negra ou Secuestrados. Estas novelas foron traducidas a ducias de linguas e adaptadas ao teatro, cine e televisión en numerosas ocasións.
Na novela O extraño caso do Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde, o Dr Jekyll, brillante científico, descubre un fármaco capaz de transformalo no malvado Mr Hyde, a encarnación dos seus impulsos diabólicos. Os problemas aparecen cando empeza a escasearlle a poción e con ela a posibilidade de volver a ser
Dr jekyll. Que lado de Jekyll triunfará? ¿o bo ou o malo?
How about paying a visit to the section of English literature in our library as a New Year's resolution?
Adapted classics are waiting for you so that you can live new adventures and improve your English at the same time.
This time we recommend you the title The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Stevenson was an Scottish writer of such well-known adventure books as The Treasure Island, Black Arrow or Kidnapped. These novels were translated into dozens of languages and adapted to the theatre, the cinema or television several times.
In the novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dr Jekyll, a brilliant scientist, discovers a potion which can turn him into the evil Mr Hyde, the embodiment of his devilish impulses. Problems appear when the potion began to run out and with it the possibility of changing back from Hyde into Jekyll. Which side will prevail? The good side or the bad one?
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