I was really surprised when I saw the autobiography I
am Malala by Malala Yousafzai among the books written in English in
the corner of our library. Even though it is not an adapted version, I can't
help recommending it, mainly to A-levels students. It is not a book with a high
literary quality. However, it is a story of self-improvement told by this
Afghan girl who faced up to the Talibans who were against girls having an
education. Instead, Malala refused to stay at home and continued going to
As a result of her "rebellion", she was shot
right near her brain. After staying at several hospitals in her country, she
was taken to Birmingham, England, where she got better. Malala stayed there
with her family.
One day when Malala was at school, the headmaster told her
that she had won the Nobel Prize. She was even invited to talk to the UN. Malala is still on news channels and gives speeches and
Malala is such a strong and inspiring person, a world
I was so hooked that I finished the book in
two days!
The lesson that I found in this book: if you really
want to do something, you can – even with hurdles along your way.
Down below you can watch her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.
Moi grata sorpresa levei cando vin que no noso recuncho de
libros escritos en inglés se atopaba o libro autobiográfico I Am
Malala de Malala Yousafzai. Aínda que é un original, non una adaptación, non
podo evitar recomentalo, especialmente para o alumnado de bacharelato.
Non se trata dun libro que destaque pola sua
calidade literaria, senon pola historia de superación que conta esta rapaza de
Afganistán que se enfrentouse aos Talibáns que se opoñían a que as rapazas
recibiran unha educación. Malala negouse a quedar na casa e continuou indo a
escola. O resultado da súa "rebeldía" foi recibir varios tiros cerca
do cerebro. Despois de pasar por varios hospitais no seu país foi levada a
Birmingham, Inglaterra onde se recuperou. Malala quedouse a vivir alí coa súa
familia. Un día estando na escola a directora comunicoulle que recibira o
premio Nobel da Paz. Malala incluso foi invitada a falar nas Nacións Unidas. Aínda
aparece na televisión e da conferencias e entrevistas.
Malala é unha persona forte e inspiradora, unha persona que
cambia o mundo!
O libro enganchoume tanto que o rematei en dous días.
A lección que atopei no libro: Se realmente queres facer
algo, podes, aínda que te atopes con atrancos no camiño.
Aquí podes ver o momento no que acepta o Nobel.
Aquí podes ver o momento no que acepta o Nobel.
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