Since today is Saint Valentine's day, we couldn't help recommending you the abridged version of the novel The Great Gatsby, that you can find in our section of literature written in English. We thought about this masterpiece because it is a wonderful story of a man so in love that everything he does revolves around winning back the love of his life.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel,The Great Gatsby, follows Jay Gatsby, a man who orders his life around one desire: to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan, now a married woman.They met years earlier when he was in the army but could not be together because he did not yet have the means to marry her. In the intervening years, Gatsby made his fortune, all with the goal of winning Daisy back. He bought his house so that he would be near her and hosted elaborate parties in the hopes that she would notice him.
Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby is a classic piece of American fiction. It is a novel of triumph and tragedy but above all, a wonderful portrayal of the failure of the American dream.
A novela de Fitzgerald segue a Jay Gatsby, un home que organiza a súa vida ao redor dun desexo: xuntarse con Daisy Buchanan, agora unha muller casada. Coñecéronse anos antes cando el estaba no exército, pero non puideron estar xuntos porque carecían dos medios para casaren.
Nos anos seguintes, Gatsby fixo fortuna sempre coa intención de recuperar a Daisy. Mercou unha casa preto dela e daba festas moi luxosas para que ela se fixase nel.
Publicada en 1925, O Gran Gatsby é un clásico da literatura americana. E unha novela sobre o éxito e a traxedia, pero sobretodo unha maravillosa reflexión sobre o fracaso do soño americano.
Ademais hai moitas películas basadas nesta novela, a última en cines no 2012. Leonardo Dicaprio interpreta a Gatsby.
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